March 21, 2014

Weekend Project: Make Your Garden Pop

Contributing Blogger

Spring is in the air, which means sun, a blooming garden and a lot of outside time (hello, vitamin D)! But if you’re a busy family like us, you only have a day – maybe two- to execute an outdoor project. This week’s project is all about the garden and how to make it pop – but not just with color, with functional and decorative accents as well.

A hanging pot palette is a great way to get herbs and greens away from pesky critters that normally feed on your garden. These pesky critters can also create a mess of your garden over time. In a few days, you can create and plant your garden vertically while also creating a beautiful focal point.

weekend project - Mohawk Homescapes - garden ideas - DIY garden pots

Gardens full of hedged greens, rolling green foliage with pops of color are all the rage right now. These pops of color can be in the form of planted or potted flowers or even with gardening accessories, such as pots. An easy way to accomplish this is to paint pots a solid color, with chalkboard paint or by aging Terra Cotta post. With this easy DIY one-day project, you can add the color of your choice, or match the pot color to your flowers, to your garden.

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Big or small, you can create a special walkway leading to your garden with materials that are easily obtainable. Flat stones, cross-cut wood or pieces from palettes are the easiest materials to obtain in a few short days. Palette walkways are not only easy to create, they’re functional and compliment almost every garden style.

weekend project - Mohawk Homescapes - garden ideas - DIY garden

Decorate the sides of your garden, windowsill or planter boxes with upcycled planters made from old boxes, household items or even old boots and shoes. Simply clear out the clutter in your home or garage to find your inspiration.

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Garden markers are a simple DIY weekend garden project for the whole family. Popsicle sticks, rocks, branches, wooden spoons, paint stirs and old utensils can be painted or stamped to not only mark your garden, but also to add color, style and a touch of your own personality.

weekend project - Mohawk Homescapes - garden ideas - DIY garden pots

Another simple way to add pops of color in your garden is to plant more color. But some gardens fall into shaded areas or in locations that see less sunlight. Before you plant, make sure your new flowers can thrive and survive in the shade. Some of my favorites that will add a dramatic pop of color to any garden include:

  • Cowslip Primrose
  • Jacob’s Ladder
  • Anemone Blanda Blue
  • Viola

weekend project - Mohawk Homescapes - garden ideas - DIY garden pots - spring flowers

Which project would look great in your garden?



Written by:
Christina Holt, Writer/Teacher- Mommy Loves Coffee


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