
Giving Thanks!

Giving back to the community in which I live is very important to me. Especially during this time of year as we get close to Thanksgiving. I like to think about how myself and my family can give back throughout the year. Habitat for Humanity of Atlanta is one of those ways to do just …

Special Touches to Give Thanks this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one my most favorite times of the year. For me it is sort of the official kickoff to family get-togethers, delicious meals, and a time to reflect on all the wonderful things we have to be thankful for.  Traditions develop and end up sticking around for years to come.  At my family Thanksgiving …

Preparing Your Kitchen for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost here! I am hosting our family Thanksgiving this year, so I need to get organized before I start cooking up a storm. Here are some tips for preparing your kitchen for Thanksgiving. First, I start by getting out the recipes I’m going to use. That way, I can make my grocery list …

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