Independence Day holiday

A DIY (Dress-It-Yourself) Hot Dog Bar for July 4th

Not sure what to have at your 4th of July cookout? Tired of the same old burgers? Try a DIY (Dress-It-Yourself) Hot Dog Bar! For our hot dog bar, I grilled organic, uncured, all-beef hot dogs and sweet Italian sausages. You could include kielbasa, veggie dogs, chicken sausages – anything! I also served both whole …

Happy 4th of July!

As we gather with loved ones this Independence Day weekend, blasting off fireworks, sporting our patriotic best and maybe even sharing a bowl of heavenly homemade ice cream, we’d like to invite you to reflect on all the freedom granted to us as a result of Thomas Jefferson’s bold words and the 56 fearless signatures …

4th of July Entertaining

Holidays are always something that I look forward to. They are an excuse to take time away from work to relax and enjoy the company of others. They are also the perfect opportunity to throw a party, and who doesn’t enjoy a party? Unfortunately, almost everyone except the hostess because of all of the hard …

A Fourth of July Picnic

The 4th of July is a special time of the year when friends and family gather for hamburgers, hotdogs, popsicles, apple pie, and to celebrate everything American, red, white, and blue. While these famous classics are hard to beat for a Fourth of July picnic, trying something new and breaking away from the norm is …

Our Thanksgiving Menu

I love Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. Leaves falling, football in the yard and on TV, family together, and THE FOOD!  The food is the best, to me. So today I thought I’d share my Thanksgiving menu with you. I’m largely a traditionalist when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner. Here’s what’s on our menu and …

Celebrate with Red, White, & Blue Desserts

Fourth of July is the perfect time to gather friends and family for food, fun, and fireworks.  Keep your gathering festive by preparing a patriotic red, white, and blue dessert for your guests.   There are loads of options for colorful desserts, so first decide how easy or involved your want your treat to be. If …

Four Things to Remember for Celebrating the Fourth

It’s almost upon us!  That mid-summer holiday we love to celebrate with family and friends — the Fourth of July.  To keep your entertaining simple and enjoyable, here are four things to think about as you plan your celebration. 1.  Festive decorations.  These are simple ways to up the festive factor for your gathering. Notice …