
Pumpkin Carving Ideas & Inspiration

One of the best parts of fall is taking the family to a pumpkin patch and collecting heavy orange beauties to haul home and carve. If you’re looking for something a little different to try this year, check out these beautiful ideas! Before the weather gets too chilly, fill your fireplace with flame-carved pumpkins for …

Recipe: Mexican-style Street Corn

Having just returned from a spectacular 4-day trip to/from Napa Valley a lil’ over a week ago, I am still basking in the post vacation giddiness that comes with  thinking back on the inside jokes that sprang from too much delicious wine or scrolling through the ton of captured Instagram pics. Gorgeous wineries, invigorating hikes, …

Finding Deals in Home Decor

I love a good bargain, especially when it comes to home decor. It’s fun to furnish and decorate my home without spending a small fortune. So, what are the tricks for getting good deals in home decor? Sign Up for Emails Subscribe to get emails from your favorite stores, whether it be a big box …

Creating a Cozy Home

It’s almost here!  Can you feel a twinge of autumn in the air?  We are just now having some cooler mornings and breezy afternoons and I can almost feel it!  This year I am more than ready for fall and have been busy working on some fresh fall decor for my home.  But there are …

Planning an Inspiring Craft Space

One of my Home Goals this year is to carve out a crafting space for myself.  Too often I’m spread out over the kitchen table, in the driveway or garage, or on the family room rug while I’m working on projects.   It’s time, I think, for me to find a little space of my own.  …

Tips & Tricks for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition

Here we are again… the beginning of a new school year!  It feels like summer just started, but my kids have been back in school for a week now and I am back in my classroom as well.  A new school year is always a challenge, but having cleared that hurdle successfully for the last …

My Favorite Summer Recipe: Lemon-Cucumber Refresher

The dog days of summer have arrived.  And when the temperatures heat up, I’m less inclined to heat up my kitchen, so we eat a lot of chilled salads and sandwiches and entrees fresh off the grill.  But my favorite summer recipe of all time is this refreshing beverage, guaranteed to cool you off on …

DIY Herb Container Garden

I’ve been longing for a garden for quite some time now.  There’s nothing like eating fresh from the garden, especially in the summer time!  Alas, our yard isn’t conducive to creating a vegetable or herb garden.  But we do have a sunny back deck just off our kitchen, so I decided a container garden was …

Weekend Project: Succulent Dish Gardening

Noticed lately all the impossibly gorgeous pics of succulents and cactus gardens and terrariums popping up in DIY blogs and home décor magazines? I certainly did and was intrigued by the idea of a DIY “gardening” project that called for little to no gardening skills or knowledge. Sure, you can find ready-made ones at your …

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