DIY holiday ideas

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with a Mother and Daughter Tea Party

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. It may be the overabundance of red, pink, chocolate, and glitter, but the thoughtfulness behind it makes me swoon. Perhaps it’s because Valentine’s Day follows the chaos of the Christmas season, but the simplicity of taping lollipops to cards and buying small surprises for my little ones …

Mohawk Home’s Holiday Home Tour Recap

We’re excited about our inagural Mohawk Home Holiday Home Tour, which featured stunning holiday décor in a variety of styles and designs from influencers and bloggers across the country. We were simply blown away by all of these amazing holiday creations. From Washington state to Washington D.C., these curators of gorgeous holiday homes showcased their unique …

Mantleless Stocking Displays

“’Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there,” wrote the nineteenth century poet Clement Clarke Moore in the iconic opening lines of his poem, A Visit from …

Best Hostess Gifts Under $20

‘Tis the season for visiting family and friends. And that means needing hostess gifts – you can’t show up at someone’s house empty-handed! Here are the best hostess gifts under $20 – fun ways to show your appreciation without breaking the bank! Gifts to Pamper Your host is probably working hard to ensure you have …

Dinner Table Crafts to Keep ‘Em Busy

The holidays are fast approaching so it’s a good idea to get a plan in place!  If you have children and family members on your guest list,  the kitchen can become crowded and hectic.  Why not consider some simple dinner table crafts and activities to keep them occupied while you ready the feast?  Today I’m …

DIY Ornaments

Growing up, our Christmas tree always had several homemade, DIY ornaments. We had ones my grandmother sewed from felt, ones my brother and I had made, and always a construction-paper garland. Now that I have my own family and our own Christmas tree, I want to create some special homemade ornaments for it, but going …

DIY Tulle Valentine’s Day Wreath

During the fall one of my more creative friends crafted this Harvest Wreath. She is so crafty!! Check out her Esty store. This project has been lingering in the back of my mind every since I saw it – thinking, “I could totally take this on!” Valentine’s Day presented the perfect opportunity and, turs out, …

Weekend Project: FrogTape® Shape Tape Art

FrogTape is Fabulous! Have you ever used Frog Tape for painting? They now have FrogTape® Shape Tape™ and it comes in several different shapes, but my favorite is the chevron! It is SO super easy. Just cut the shaped tape the length you need. Paint a section of your project along the edges of the tape; …

Heirloom Willow Holiday Tablescape

The holidays are my favorite time of the year! Having the whole family together and the beautiful decorations are things I look forward to all year long; so of course I want to set the best holiday table possible. And, I have to admit, I try to out do myself each year. Pinterest has lots of …

5 easy ways to decorate for winter

The days are getting shorter, aren’t they? And hint of the holidays is in the air and there’s just no escaping it: winter is on the way. Time to cozy up your home, settle in for the cold months and enjoy the smell of the fire burning in the fireplace. Here are a few ideas …