January 5, 2015

Spa Bath Inspirations: Steps to a New, More Relaxed YOU in 2015

Alyssa Hawkins

I can’t believe it, but 2014 is quickly coming to a close and a brand new year is just around the corner! If you’re reflecting and finding that this year has left you feeling tense, frazzled and especially stressed, it may be time to turn over a new leaf and pave the way to a more relaxed you in the year that lies ahead.

Busy, long work hours, endless multitasking efforts and fast-paced lifestyles in the office and at home are major contributors to feeling abnormal amounts of stress and anxiety. While we can’t always prevent stressful events from taking place in our lives, we can stop and treat ourselves to a little TLC!

One of my resolutions in the New Year is to take at least 15 minutes every day to spend by myself in silence—no phone, no email, no social media networks or completing chores. It is my hope that this quiet time will help me to re-center and focus on taking care of the person behind the employee, friend and busy mom. Overall, my main goal for is to channel stress in a healthy, positive way.  I encourage you to do the same!

My favorite ritual for unwinding when I’m feeling tired or stressed is to take a hot bath. For an even more relaxing spa-like experience, try these handy tricks:

  • Bring in your favorite scents! Use candles or bath oils with lavender, chamomile, jasmine, rose, or sandalwood for a relaxing effect that can help you sleep. I have also fallen in love with this easy DIY bath salt recipe that combines eucalyptus oil, vanilla and jojoba oil. It is so simple to make, helps ease muscle tension after a long day, relieves congestion and always makes me feel pampered!
Mohawk Home, lifestyle, for the home, spa retreats
Source: SheKnows Blog
  • Invest in quality bath products, including soft, plush towels, cozy robes and memory foam bath mats to cushion your feet, like the one seen below. These are affordable ways to make your bathroom feel more luxurious and calming without putting a large dent in your budget.
Mohawk Home, memory foam bath mat, lifestyle, for the home, Mohawk Homescapes
Mohawk Home memory foam bath mat
  • Keep your bathroom clutter-free. This is easier said than done, especially when your master bath is used by multiple people in your home—but it really makes a big difference! Make the most of the cabinet space that you have by keeping items tucked away when they aren’t in use. I love the look of clean, crisp sight lines, so I’ve started putting essentials like cotton swabs, lotions, and other toiletries in clear storage jars.
Source: DIY Network
  • Play your favorite tunes. It may be one of the oldest tricks in the book, but soft music can change the vibe of your bathroom! Create a playlist of your favorites that will serve as your go-to mix after a hectic day.




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