Valentine’s Day

Simply Sweet Homemade Valentine’s Day Card

Ever since I was a little girl, Valentine’s Day has always included the giving and receiving of sentimental cards. I remember in primary school we would all make sweet Valentine’s Day cards out of construction paper, glue, crayons, and sometimes glitter (when the teacher was feeling extra brave). After we made the cards, we would …

When Cupid Designs: Valentine’s Color Showcase

Love is in the air and the most romantic of holidays looms near, prompting many to find new ways to incorporate romantic colors in their interiors. Contributing to the perfect storm of pinks and purples, Pantone recently announced 2014’s color of the year to be radiant orchid, a rich berry purple perfect for the season. …

DIY Nautical Themed Valentine’s Day Treat for Kids

Have you caught yourself browsing Pinterest while dreaming of all the amazing Valentine’s you could make for or with your child? Personally I’ve seen unique Valentine’s Day cards and gifts that range from expert crafter level to easy enough that a 4-year-old can do the majority of it, but if you decide to forgo the …

Valentine’s Day Treats & Tidbits

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Hope you’re looking forward to all the flowers, sentimentality and sugar shock the day has offer.  While not an official holiday — and a day with pretty grim origins — Valentine’s Day is at the top of my list of favorites. Pardon the pun, but I LOVE everything …

Creative DIY Valentine’s Day Cards for Kids

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, so that means it’s time to get creative with the kids to make Valentine’s Day cards that give a lasting impression. We made creative “cards” the past few years and the kids loved it as much as I did. They were able to get more involved with the process, help …

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