design blog

Luxurious Bedding

The cold weather has made me want to bury myself under the covers in a soft, warm bed.  So, today, let’s talk bedding. Not just any bedding, but luxe bedding. First, some basics: what should you look for in luxe bedding? What makes some sheets softer than others? Thread Count Thread count is defined as …

DIY Nautical Themed Valentine’s Day Treat for Kids

Have you caught yourself browsing Pinterest while dreaming of all the amazing Valentine’s you could make for or with your child? Personally I’ve seen unique Valentine’s Day cards and gifts that range from expert crafter level to easy enough that a 4-year-old can do the majority of it, but if you decide to forgo the …

Everyday Winter Mantel Ideas

With the holidays behind us, trees removed and ornaments packed away, the house can start to look empty and sad. But even though December has passed, you can still create a beautiful mantel vignette as a nod to winter, without a holiday feel. Here are a few ideas to decorate your mantel after the holidays, …

Get Organized, One Small Space at a Time

Raise your hand if getting organized is on your list of goals for 2014!  I think I’ve put that on my list of goals/resolutions every year since my third child was born 15 years ago.  I always start off strong, highly motivated.  And then life takes over.  I get busy and tired and overwhelmed.  And …

Worry-free New Year’s Party Ideas

As the last days of 2013 are winding down, it’s time to start planning the arrival of a New Year. Don’t let hosting your own New Year’s Eve celebration become stressful.  We’re often a little weary and worn from all the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday festivities . . . food preparations, gifting, traveling, etc. Have …

DIY Handmade Gifts for the Holidays

‘Tis the season, friends!  Your budget and gift inspiration might be running low about now, so I’m here to share some amazing DIY handmade gifts to help you finish off your list.  The blogosphere and Pinterest are loaded with creative ideas for gifts you can put together, many of them for only a few dollars.  …

Go Bold with Reds

The holidays are approaching and when I think of the staple color of the season, I think of red. Sure, this cheerful color is great during the winter season, but it’s equally delightful to see year-round. Look for red as you decorate, but infuse it within your home décor as well. Shades of red will …

Thankful For…

On this Thanksgiving holiday, I feel so blessed to share with you what I am most thankful for… This crazy bunch I call mine… Hearth and home… The glorious colors of fall that finally made an appearance… New opportunities for growth and travel in the past year… And this reminder to be thankful in all …

Preparing Your Kitchen for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost here! I am hosting our family Thanksgiving this year, so I need to get organized before I start cooking up a storm. Here are some tips for preparing your kitchen for Thanksgiving. First, I start by getting out the recipes I’m going to use. That way, I can make my grocery list …

Color Showcase: Winter Whites

The chill of fall and winter is setting in and in perusing colors suitable to the season, I am drawn to what we like to call “winter white.”  But the more I looked, the more curious I became about what exactly is winter white?  I found all sorts of references to the color of sheep’s …

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