Family LIfe

Five Reasons to Try Chalk Paint

My name is Heidi and I’m addicted to chalk paint.  🙂 I discovered chalk paint a little over two years ago and since then I’ve done close to fifty different projects using chalk paint.  Chalk paint is not chalkboard paint, although its finish might allow it to function somewhat like chalkboard paint.  While the name …

Decorating on a Budget

Growing up I heard, learned and lived the words: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. When it comes to decorating on a budget, the same word not only apply, they can make decorating affordable and fun. Reduce the amount of clutter Start by cleaning out your space. This gives you a clean palette and a fresh start. …

Good Starts: Healthy Breakfast Tips and Ideas

One of my personal goals for 2014 is to eat better.  Major shifts in habits and lifestyle are not my strong suit, so I’ve learned that making small changes gives me the best chance for success in meeting my goals.  In my quest to eat better this year, I am trying to add breakfast into …

Simply Sweet Homemade Valentine’s Day Card

Ever since I was a little girl, Valentine’s Day has always included the giving and receiving of sentimental cards. I remember in primary school we would all make sweet Valentine’s Day cards out of construction paper, glue, crayons, and sometimes glitter (when the teacher was feeling extra brave). After we made the cards, we would …

Fresh Ideas for Small Spaces

In my house, I’ve found that small spaces can either be extremely easy or extremely difficult to “freshen up” with a changing seasons, a change in my mood or out of necessity. In smaller rooms, the large furniture pieces remain a constant (and usually in the same spot), but I don’t let that discourage me …

Classroom Revamp with a New Rug

I had a teacher friend recently ask me if I had any rug suggestions for her classroom. They had just renovated one of the older schools in our area and she was looking for a simple way to add some warmth to her room. Of course I had numerous  ideas for her, but we finally …

Storing Kids Toys Around the House Without the Clutter

Let’s face it… I’m a mom and I have four children. Their toys, books, games, art supplies and drawings – no matter how hard I try to keep them contained to one room – almost always end up in the living room, kitchen, hallway, bathroom… basically every room is fair game. Instead of stressing about …

DIY Nautical Themed Valentine’s Day Treat for Kids

Have you caught yourself browsing Pinterest while dreaming of all the amazing Valentine’s you could make for or with your child? Personally I’ve seen unique Valentine’s Day cards and gifts that range from expert crafter level to easy enough that a 4-year-old can do the majority of it, but if you decide to forgo the …

Master Bedroom Makeover – From The Floor Up

It’s time for a total re-haul of my master bedroom. I bought the house several years ago and have been focused on getting the other rooms in the house up to par, so my bedroom has been on the back burner. Until now. I decided to do a total room redo, and I am starting …

Get Organized, One Small Space at a Time

Raise your hand if getting organized is on your list of goals for 2014!  I think I’ve put that on my list of goals/resolutions every year since my third child was born 15 years ago.  I always start off strong, highly motivated.  And then life takes over.  I get busy and tired and overwhelmed.  And …

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